Friday, March 13, 2009

Almost done!

No new pictures at the moment, some should be coming soon...maybe...

I just finished up my last quarter of night classes! (YAY). On March 23rd I start student teaching. I'm nervous and excited all at once. June 13th I will graduate from Western Washington University with a major in special education and my certificate for teaching. However, because I don't want to fork over anymore money to WWU and I did not take a test all that money spent on dual endorsement was a waste (sort will be helpful as a general education teacher to know what I know!) but it feels like they wasted my time and money because they were greedy and could do it. Wow look at me go on a tangent.

Enough of my whining. I'm happy to be almost done, what a feat to finally graduate from college 10+ years after I started the first time, and to do it with two small children one born a week before finals last year!

More to come as I have more to tell.